FUNDS RAISED and donated: $192,596


We are giving our customers and supporters the opportunity to make extra one off or ongoing donations through this page. 

We have teamed up with a couple of NZ based charities that are actively sending donations to refugees in Palestine:

  • Kiwi Trust for Palestinian Children Relief – a charity that sends donations to families in Gaza, Palestine and provides children with meals for every order* made on Preserved Identity.
  • Convoys of Good – a non-profit charitable and licensed organisation. The association emerged from a team, who are well known for providing emergency relief services in the reconstruction and repair of the homes of poor and needy families in the Gaza Strip.

We will be sending all donations made through this page to Convoys of Good unless you request otherwise. Thank you very much for your generosity and contribution to a worthy cause!

If you are in New Zealand, you can make a donation through our bank account below. Please always include the reference.

If you are outside of New Zealand, you can donate using debit/credit card here.

Account name: Convoys of Good

Account number: 01-0171-0633646-00

Reference: (please write campaign name or if you’re paying Zakat, etc.)


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